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  • charmedchaos

August Check In

Ever feel stuck in a rut & have no motivation? That’s where I’m at lately 😒 This “why bother” mood sucks! I’ve mentioned before that I struggle with depression & anxiety. Things can get pretty overwhelming at times. It’s part of the reason I haven’t posted in a while, I don’t like airing dirty laundry or bringing someone else down with my bad mood. I’ve been trying to keep myself busy stitching … if I keep myself occupied the down moods pass quicker.

In that way I’ve been quite productive! I’ve finished one shawl & I’m well on the way with another. I just need to get some good pictures & then go over the written pattern & chart one last time before it gets listed on Ravelry. I’ve already drafted a blog post when it’s all ready 😉 so look for that to be out really soon.

I've been second guessing my design choice for the Trinity scarf .... I'm not as in love with the knot work as I was, so even though that pattern was published, I might re-design it later on.

I have also put the HP themed scarves on hold until I find enough testers because I’m just not a fast enough knitter to get all 4 done. BUT I’ve got some shawls in the works that I’m hoping I can whip up in the meantime. Getting some finishing touches on those designs, then I get to go yarn shopping!!!!

If you're interested in pattern testing for me, you can read more about it HERE & let me know by email.

Off to get the week started & see if I can improve the moods.

Happy Stitching!

*~ L

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