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  • charmedchaos

Pattern Designs & Testing

Testing progress on my scarf has stalled a bit .... I'm second guessing my knot design. I'm not sure the knot work goes well with the trinity knot. Going to work on it a bit more today & see how I feel about it.

I'd still like to get this pattern out soon, but it will definitely depend on whether I change things up or not.

Sounds like my tester has made some better progress on the next crocheted shawl design! She has found some numerical discrepancies & those have been fixed. I’m very excited to see this one completed.

Things are blooming in the gardens. My orange hibiscus has a few flowers & lots of buds.

We've harvested the rhubarb & the last of the radishes, and the cherry tomatoes & sugar peas are growing. AND we're getting some much needed rain today, so happy dance time.

I'm off to get some snuggle time with the critters then sit my butt down to knit some more.

Tomorrow is Work In Progress Wednesday so tag me on Instagram or Facebook with your current WIP

Happy Stitching!

*~ L

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