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  • charmedchaos

Still Stitching Along

Updated: Jul 5, 2022

I am soooo close to getting the Celtic Trinity Scarf ready to go up on Ravelry! Only a few more rows, then I can get pictures & post it up. Look for it to be ready in the next few days.

I have been a little distracted by Finn's shenanigans lately! He's growing so fast & he's decided that all the bunny-proofing I did was just a fun obstacle course for him. While I was cleaning out his area today, he climbed up onto the couch, over top of the barrier I made. So now I'll be re-thinking some taller bunny “fences”.

He also loves to follow the cats & dog around. So far he hasn’t left the living room but he does play on the stairs. His litter training is going very well … he only tinkles in the litter box but I do find a few little rabbit ‘nuggets’ on the floor once in a while.

I've been thinking a lot about how to get patterns out & how to give my readers the best deals on them. I'd really love to have the best discount for anyone who signs up for my mailing list. The minimum would be a 25% off, but there's a good chance that I'll have freebies along the way too. I already plan on having a good discount on the scarf, but it will again be a time-sensitive one, and only available to those who sign up for the mailing list (button below).

Good progress is being made on the next crochet shawl pattern too! I’m pretty excited to have a fabulous crocheter doing the testing on this pattern.

I'm still on the hunt for some pattern testers. If you're interested, or know someone who is, please email me. I'm looking for both crocheters & knitters. I have so many pattern ideas, but I can't knit as fast as Mrs Weasley, so I need help.

I'm still working hard on a beginner's tutorial for doubling knitting too. There will be a small chart with it that you can make into a potholder. Of course, any square can be made into a blanket just by making multiples. The possibilities are endless with squares.

Canada Day is almost upon us! 🇨🇦 We're planning on a quiet bbq at home. We're not really into the parade & big crowd scene, so staying home is a much better option for us. I do hope everyone who celebrates has a fun & safe weekend.

Hey, don't forget, there's a "Let's Chat" button on the bottom of the page! Any time you're on the site you can message me & I'll chat with you if I'm available, right here 😉 So give it a try & let me know what you’re currently working on.

As always, Happy Stitching friends!

*~ L

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